About Us

QADER for Community Development is a Palestinian non-governmental, not-for-profit, and independent organization dedicated to promoting better well-being of persons with disabilities in Palestine. Since its founding in 2008, QADER has assumed its functional responsibility thereinafter addressing the disability issue from a human rights perspective, and demonstrated a rights’ based approach in tackling the various issues of persons with disabilities.

QADER has driving strategies for its core programs; mainly, enhancing commitment of public institutions towards fulfilling the rights and needs of PwD, enhancing disability awareness, promoting performance of non-state actors in addressing the needs of PwD, and fostering active participation of PwD in social and economic life. QADER focuses on development models that are based on thorough analysis of the context and needs of persons with disabilities and key stakeholders. Several models were developed, piloted, replicated, or scaled up in many areas and fields, including mainstreaming disability in local authorities & higher education institutions, institutionalizing awareness in the education system, enhancing socio-economic participation of person with disabilities and their families.

Since its founding, QADER made significant contributions in the disability sector. In fact, the professional capacity of QADER’s governance body, management and staff has fostered fast track developments, both at the level of program development and internal capacities.

QADER in recognized for its expertise in the disability sector, and specifically in supporting the capacities of relevant stakeholders among public institutions and non-state actors to mainstream disability within their programs and services


We aspire that PwD among children, women, and youth enjoy full citizenship and actively contribute to building a Palestinian society that respects diversity and differences and is free from all forms of discrimination, disability-based violence, and gender inequality  Read More


QADER leads a twin-track approach, dedicated to the empowerment and protection of children, women, and youth with disabilities from marginalization, discrimination, and all forms of disability and gender-based violence. Our commitment extends to align societal, institutional, and policy contexts with the principles of “disability inclusion” and “leave no one behind” in Palestine. Through this alignment, we strive to foster their active en... Read More


  QADER’s work is governed by a system of high values that the institution is committed to apply in its practices and orientations of its leadership, management and staff:   Human dignity: QADER believes in the right of all Palestinians to live in prosperity and happiness and enjoy the results of development in various fields. Respect for and dignity of the individual is a right, and this is achieved by satisfying, protecting and providi... Read More