Child Rights Governance Project

Child Rights Governance Project

About the Project:

QADER is part of the SIDA framework project implemented by Save the Children International in oPt - SCI and funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency – SIDA.


The Project aims at improving the capacity of states to respect and fulfil children’s rights to survival, learning and protection as part of their overall obligations to uphold children’s rights for the most marginalized children through enhancing child participation, inclusion, and increased budget allocation to children and child rights monitoring and reporting.


QADER is responsible for specific activities related to promoting children with disabilities’ rights governance.


Target Group

Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Social Development, Children with disabilities


Target Area:

West Bank and Gaza


Project Components:

  1. Support the capacities of Ministry of Higher Education in Disability Inclusion
  2. Promoting the rights of students with disabilities in Education
  3. Support Ministry of Education to develop and adopt child protection system for children & children with disabilities
  4. Support Ministry of Social Development in the implementation of disability inclusive & child rights based approaches programs
  5. Contribute to national efforts on CRC, CRPD monitoring and reporting
  6. Technical Support for local community centers in Hebron, Bethlehem, & Jericho Governorates