Enhancing the Livelihood of Women in Area C in Bethlehem and Hebron Governorates
“Enhancing the Livelihood of Women in Area C in Bethlehem and Hebron Governorates ” is a joint project between three partner organizations (QADER for Community Development, Psycho-social Counseling Centre for Women, and the Palestinian Family Planning and Protection Association), supported by the World Bank with the supervision of NGOs Development Center (NDC). The projecct was implemented in 15 villages and Bedouin communities in Bethlehem & Hebron Governorates, all located in Area C and whose residents, especially women, live in difficult economic and social conditions, and who suffer from restriction of movement and have poor infrastructure and lack access to basic services.
The project was implemented in a coordinating framework between the three partners, according to the field of specialization. The Palestinian Family Planning and Protection Association carried out all health awareness and reproductive and sexual health services activities. Psycho-social Counseling Centre for Women provided psycho-social counseling services, while QADER carried out an advocacy campaign and raised awareness about women with disabilities in the local community. Moreover, QADER, alongside Psycho-social Counseling Centre for Women, jointly implemented capacity-building and economic empowerment activities for women.
Project Objectives:
The project aimed at empowering women, especially women with disabilities, as well as mothers of persons with disabilities and women who are the breadwinners of their families.
Target group/ beneficiaries:
Women in 15 communities in Area C in both Bethlehem and Hebron governorates.
Project activities and outputs:
- Providing sexual and reproductive health services
- Educating women about reproductive and sexual health.
- Developing the capacities of women in vocational and craft work to help them enter the labor market.
- Supporting women with small income-generating projects.
- Providing psycho-social counseling services to women.
- Providing assistive tools and devices for women and children with disabilities.
- Implementing an advocacy campaign to raise and communicate the voice of women to the concerned authorities.
- Improving community awareness and attitudes towards women with disabilities.