QADER Signs Agreement with the Ministry of Health and Caritas Germany to Develop Diagnostic Services for Children with Intellectual Disabilities

QADER Signs Agreement with the Ministry of Health and Caritas Germany to Develop Diagnostic Services for Children with Intellectual Disabilities
12 September, 2023

QADER for Community Development, represented by its General Director, Mrs. Lana Bandak, has signed a supplementary Memorandum of Understanding with the Palestinian Ministry of Health, represented by Minister Dr. Mai Kaileh, and Caritas Germany, represented by its Middle East and North Africa Regional Office Director, Mr. Patrick Kubert, on September 3rd, to develop and institutionalize diagnostic services for children with intellectual disabilities.

This agreement builds on efforts that began in 2021, during which a diagnostic and assessment standards guide for children with intellectual disabilities was developed, and the first phase of training for medical and professional staff from the Palestinian Ministry of Health and national service-providing institutions was conducted. Under this current agreement, the remaining three parts of the training plan will be completed.

The goal of the agreement is to support the Ministry of Health’s capacity to monitor the quality of diagnostic services for children with intellectual disabilities. This will be achieved through the preparation of a procedural guide for the Ministry on monitoring the quality of diagnostic services, as well as enhancing the skills of the Ministry’s staff in relevant departments and units to oversee the quality of diagnostic services based on the established quality standards. Additionally, the agreement aims to support the technical capacities of the staff in the Ministry’s mental health centers in diagnosing children with intellectual disabilities, which includes purchasing screening and diagnostic tools according to the Ministry’s needs and recommendations. The training for the Ministry’s staff in diagnosing children with intellectual disabilities and using the diagnostic tools recommended in the Quality Standards Guide will also be completed.

QADER for Community Development considers this partnership to be part of its ongoing efforts to develop and institutionalize services provided by both governmental and non-governmental organizations for people with disabilities in Palestine and their families, with the aim of improving their quality of life and alleviating the burdens associated with accessing various services.